What can be said about biodiversity in FSC certified tropical forest? Here are some of the most recent resources you can dive in to.
New technologies to detect and monitor biodiversity in tropical forest – listen to the podcast “forest for the future - What can filtering water tell us about biodiversity? Utilizing new techniques like eDNA and bio-acoustics
What does the scientific literature say about FSC Certification of forests? We have made a dashboard that helps you with an overview of the scientific literature and what the studies concluded. Dive into the main categories “environmental outcomes, Social outcomes and Economic outcomes”
Link video introduction:
Link til Dashboard : https://connect.fsc.org/impact/demonstrating-impacts
As a part of the Yachting for the forests project supported by Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation we have asked Wageningen University to perform a review study of available literature on FSC certification in tropical forests.
Read the full report “Ecological, social and economic effects of timber exploitation in tropical forests, and the role of forest certification: a review here.